Do you have loyal customers? Do you even know? According to experts, there are “loyalty behaviors” that, when tracked, can help you understand how loyal your customers are. Once you...
Got a product or service to sell? Then your company has value beyond the sale. Innovative companies communicate this value, directly and indirectly, every time they send a direct mail...
We all love reading about marketing mistakes as long as they aren’t our own. Not only do these tales make us say, “Whew! Glad that wasn’t me!” But we also...
Have you ever gotten the sense that your customers just aren’t that into you anymore? If so, how can you know for sure? Here are 7 signs that your customers...
Remember all of those forecasts about the demise of print? They haven’t come true. Like most offline channels, direct mail took a hit during the COVID-19 pandemic, but it is...
Did you know that simple changes to your call to action (CTA) can have a considerable impact on how much revenue you generate from your campaign? Whether it’s direct mail...
Never has trust between customers and brands been more critical. As e-commerce continues to grow, both for health and convenience, a gap is growing, too—between brands and their customers. Trust...
When businesses plan their direct mail or email campaigns, their goal is generally customer acquisition or retention. But what about branding? Marketing campaigns explicitly designed to build your brand are...
Businesses are constantly evolving. You develop new products. You launch new services. You begin focusing on a specific niche or targeting new audiences. Be sure to update your marketing collateral...
You’ve heard people talk about the value of content marketing. It’s one of the most important ways that people find you. If you are delivering content via digital channels, prospects...